How To Start A Speech: Tips, Strategies & Examples


How To Start A Speech: Starting a speech is crucial; it sets the tone and captures the audience's attention from the get-go. To kick off effectively, begin with a compelling opening that hooks the audience immediately. 

One approach is to start with a thought-provoking question that piques curiosity. For instance, "Have you ever wondered what drives human innovation?" This technique engages the audience by inviting them to reflect and participate mentally in the discussion.

 Alternatively, a startling statistic or a powerful quote can grab attention and create an instant connection with the topic. Furthermore, storytelling is a potent tool; a captivating anecdote can draw the audience into the narrative and make the speech more relatable. 

Another effective method is to use humor strategically; a well-timed joke or amusing anecdote can lighten the mood and foster rapport with the audience. Regardless of the approach, it's essential to maintain authenticity and relevance to the topic. By incorporating these techniques, you can ensure a strong start to your speech, capturing the audience's attention and laying a solid foundation for your message.

How To Start A Speech

How To Start A Speech?

Starting a speech effectively is crucial for capturing your audience's attention and setting the tone for the rest of your presentation. Here are some strategies to begin your speech:

1. Opening with a Strong Hook

  • Anecdote or Story: Share a relevant, personal, or compelling story that ties into your speech's main theme. This helps build a connection with your audience.

    • Example: "When I was ten, I experienced something that changed my perspective on life forever..."
  • Quote: Use a powerful and relevant quote to set the stage.

    • Example: "'The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today.' This quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt perfectly encapsulates..."
  • Question: Pose a thought-provoking question to engage the audience right away.

    • Example: "Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if everyone did one small act of kindness every day?"
  • Surprising Fact or Statistic: Share an intriguing fact or statistic that relates to your topic.

    • Example: "Did you know that every minute, 20 people are displaced due to conflict or persecution?"

2. Establishing Your Credibility

  • Brief Introduction: Introduce yourself and explain why you are qualified to speak on the topic.
    • Example: "Good morning, my name is [Your Name], and with over a decade of experience in environmental conservation, I am here to share insights on..."

3. Stating Your Purpose or Thesis

  • Clear Purpose: Clearly state the purpose of your speech to give the audience a roadmap.
    • Example: "Today, I aim to convince you of the urgent need for sustainable energy solutions and how we can achieve them together."

4. Creating Relevance

  • Relate to the Audience: Explain why your topic is important and how it affects the audience directly.
    • Example: "In a world where climate change is impacting our daily lives, understanding renewable energy isn't just for scientists—it's for all of us."

5. Using Visuals or Props

  • Show, Don’t Just Tell: If possible, use a prop, image, or short video to illustrate your point right from the beginning.
    • Example: Holding up a piece of plastic waste: "This small item, found on nearly every beach, tells a much larger story about our environmental impact."

6. Setting the Tone

  • Humor: If appropriate, start with a light joke to break the ice.
    • Example: "They say the best speeches are like a mini skirt—short enough to keep it interesting, but long enough to cover the essentials."

Practical Tips for Delivery:

  • Confidence: Speak with confidence and clarity.
  • Eye Contact: Make eye contact with different parts of your audience to engage everyone.
  • Pacing: Don’t rush your opening. Pause for effect and let your words sink in.
  • Practice: Rehearse your opening multiple times to ensure it flows smoothly.

Example Openings:

  • Story: "Imagine waking up every morning to the sound of waves crashing against the shore, only to find that your beautiful beach is now covered in plastic waste. This was the reality I faced last summer..."
  • Quote: "As Nelson Mandela once said, 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.' Today, I will talk about how education can empower communities..."
  • Question: "What would you do if you knew you could not fail? This question has driven some of the greatest innovations in history..."

Starting your speech with impact will help you grab your audience’s attention and set a strong foundation for your message. 

How To Start A Speech in school example

Starting a speech in a school setting requires capturing the attention of your classmates and possibly teachers, while setting a tone that's appropriate for the context. Here are a few example openings tailored for a school environment:

1. Personal Anecdote

  • Example: "When I was in sixth grade, I struggled with math. I remember one test where I got a score of 40%, and I felt like giving up. But that experience taught me the value of perseverance and seeking help when needed."

2. Relevant Quote

  • Example: "'Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.' This quote by Malcolm X reminds us why what we do in school is so important."

3. Thought-Provoking Question

  • Example: "Have you ever wondered how your favorite subjects in school might shape your future career? Today, I want to explore how our interests now can lead to our dream jobs."

4. Surprising Fact or Statistic

  • Example: "Did you know that teenagers spend an average of 7.5 hours on their phones each day? Let's talk about how we can balance our digital lives with our responsibilities and goals."

5. Humor

  • Example: "They say school is like a giant maze—just when you think you’ve figured it out, they change the schedule again! But today, I want to talk about how we can navigate school life successfully."

6. Props or Visuals

  • Example: Holding up a smartphone: "This little device has changed how we communicate, learn, and even think. Today, let's discuss how technology is impacting our education."

7. Current Event or Trend

  • Example: "With the rise of AI tools like ChatGPT, our approach to learning and homework is evolving. Let's explore how we can use these tools responsibly in our education."

Practical Tips for School Speech Delivery:

  • Confidence: Stand tall and project your voice.
  • Eye Contact: Look at your classmates and make them feel included.
  • Pacing: Speak slowly and clearly, allowing your words to be absorbed.
  • Practice: Rehearse your speech multiple times to gain fluency and reduce nervousness.

Example School Speech Openings:

  1. Personal Anecdote: "Good morning everyone. Last year, I had a moment that changed how I viewed school forever. I was struggling with my science project and was ready to give up. But with the help of my teacher and a lot of hard work, I ended up winning first prize at the science fair. That experience taught me that perseverance and asking for help are key to overcoming challenges."

  2. Quote: "Hi, everyone. Albert Einstein once said, 'Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.' Today, I want to share how our education is much more than just memorizing facts—it's about learning how to think critically and solve problems."

  3. Question: "Hello, everyone. Have you ever asked yourself why we spend so much time studying subjects that seem unrelated to what we want to do in the future? Today, I want to discuss how a broad education can actually help us become well-rounded individuals and open up more opportunities."

  4. Statistic: "Hey, everyone. Did you know that 60% of today's college students change their major at least once? This statistic shows that it's okay to not have everything figured out right now. Let's talk about how we can explore our interests and find our passions in school."

  5. Humor: "Good morning! They say that school would be great if it weren't for the classes and homework, right? But seriously, today I want to talk about how we can make the most out of our school experience and actually enjoy learning."

Starting your school speech with a captivating opening will engage your audience and set the stage for a memorable presentation.

How to start a speech at a funeral

Starting a speech at a funeral requires sensitivity, respect, and a heartfelt approach. Here are some strategies and examples for beginning a funeral speech:

1. Acknowledge the Occasion and Audience

  • Example: "Thank you all for being here today to honor and remember [Name]. Your presence is a testament to the impact [Name] had on all of our lives."

2. Express Condolences

  • Example: "I want to extend my deepest condolences to [Name]'s family. We are all here to support you and share in your grief during this difficult time."

3. Share a Personal Anecdote or Memory

  • Example: "One of my fondest memories of [Name] is when we [describe a meaningful or heartwarming story]. This moment captures the essence of who [Name] was and how they touched our lives."

4. Use a Meaningful Quote or Scripture

  • Example: "'Those we love don't go away; they walk beside us every day.' This quote resonates deeply as we remember [Name] and the lasting impact they have had on our lives."

5. Highlight the Deceased’s Positive Traits

  • Example: "Today, we remember [Name] not just for the person they were, but for the kindness, generosity, and love they brought into the world."

Practical Tips for Delivery:

  • Speak Slowly and Clearly: Ensure your words are heard and understood.
  • Maintain Composure: It's okay to show emotion, but try to remain composed to effectively deliver your message.
  • Use Pauses: Allow moments for reflection and to let your words sink in.
  • Practice: Rehearse your speech to gain confidence and ensure a smooth delivery.

Example Funeral Speech Openings:

  1. Acknowledge the Occasion and Audience: "Thank you all for gathering here today to celebrate the life of [Name]. Your presence is a heartfelt reminder of the love and respect we all have for [Name]."

  2. Express Condolences: "I want to begin by expressing my deepest sympathies to [Name]'s family. We are all here to support you and share in the sorrow of this great loss."

  3. Personal Anecdote: "One of my earliest memories of [Name] is when we [share a specific story]. This story perfectly captures the joy and warmth that [Name] brought into our lives."

  4. Meaningful Quote or Scripture: "'The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.' (Psalm 34:18). These words remind us that even in our sorrow, we are not alone."

  5. Highlighting Positive Traits: "We are here today to honor the memory of [Name], a person who exemplified compassion and kindness in every aspect of their life. [Name] was always there to lend a helping hand and offer a warm smile."


"Good afternoon, everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I am deeply honored to speak about [Name] today. [Name] was a remarkable person whose life touched so many of us in profound ways. I want to extend my deepest condolences to [Name]'s family and loved ones. We are here to support you and share in your grief.

One of my most cherished memories of [Name] is when we used to [describe a memorable moment]. This story highlights the joy and laughter [Name] brought into our lives.

As we gather to remember and celebrate [Name]'s life, let us be comforted by the fact that their spirit and legacy will live on in our hearts forever."

Starting your speech with these elements will help set a respectful and heartfelt tone for the rest of your tribute.

How to start a speech about yourself

Starting a speech about yourself can be challenging, as you want to strike the right balance between being engaging and informative without coming across as boastful. Here are some effective strategies to begin a speech about yourself:

1. Start with a Personal Anecdote

  • Example: "Good morning, everyone. When I was ten years old, I decided to bake a cake from scratch. It was a disaster—but it sparked my passion for cooking, a hobby that has taught me patience, creativity, and the joy of sharing."

2. Use a Relevant Quote

  • Example: "Hello, everyone. As Maya Angelou once said, 'You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.' This quote perfectly encapsulates my journey as an artist and why creativity is so important in my life."

3. Pose a Thought-Provoking Question

  • Example: "Hi, everyone. Have you ever wondered what shapes a person’s identity? For me, it’s been a mix of my cultural heritage, personal experiences, and the people who have influenced my life."

4. Share an Interesting Fact About Yourself

  • Example: "Good afternoon. Did you know that I’ve traveled to over 15 countries before the age of 25? Each journey has taught me something unique and broadened my perspective on life."

5. Highlight a Defining Moment

  • Example: "Hello, everyone. A defining moment in my life was when I decided to switch careers from engineering to teaching. It wasn’t an easy decision, but it was one of the most fulfilling choices I’ve ever made."

Practical Tips for Delivery:

  • Confidence: Speak clearly and confidently.
  • Engagement: Make eye contact and connect with your audience.
  • Brevity: Keep your introduction concise and relevant.
  • Authenticity: Be genuine and honest about your experiences.

Example Openings:

  1. Personal Anecdote: "Good morning, everyone. When I was eight, I built my first treehouse with my dad. It wasn’t perfect, but it ignited my passion for building and engineering. That passion led me to pursue a degree in civil engineering, and today, I work on designing sustainable buildings."

  2. Quote: "Hello, everyone. Albert Einstein once said, 'Imagination is more important than knowledge.' Growing up, I was always curious and loved to imagine new worlds through writing and drawing. This creative spark has guided me in my career as a graphic designer."

  3. Question: "Hi, everyone. What drives you to get out of bed every morning? For me, it’s the desire to make a positive impact on the environment. That’s why I chose to become an environmental scientist."

  4. Interesting Fact: "Good afternoon. One interesting fact about me is that I’ve completed a marathon on every continent, including Antarctica. Each race was not just a physical challenge but also a journey of self-discovery."

  5. Defining Moment: "Hello, everyone. A turning point in my life was when I moved to a new country all by myself. It was daunting at first, but it taught me resilience and independence, which have been crucial in my journey as an entrepreneur."


"Good morning, everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I’d like to share a little bit about myself with you today. When I was fifteen, I participated in my first science fair, presenting a project on renewable energy. It wasn’t just about winning a prize; it was about realizing my passion for sustainability and innovation. This passion has driven me to pursue a career in environmental engineering, where I strive to develop solutions that can help protect our planet. I believe that every small step we take can lead to significant changes, and I’m excited to be part of that journey."

By starting your speech with a personal touch, you create a connection with your audience and set the stage for sharing more about your experiences, values, and aspirations.

How to start a speech with a quote

Starting a speech with a quote can be an effective way to grab your audience's attention and set the tone for your message. Here are some tips and examples to help you start a speech with a quote:

Tips for Starting with a Quote

  1. Choose a Relevant Quote: Ensure the quote is directly related to the main theme or message of your speech.
  2. Introduce the Quote: Briefly introduce the quote or its author to provide context.
  3. Explain the Connection: Explain how the quote relates to your topic or what it means to you personally.
  4. Practice Delivery: Rehearse how you will say the quote to ensure it flows naturally and resonates with your audience.


Example 1: Inspirational Speech

Quote: "'The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today.' - Franklin D. Roosevelt"

Speech Opening: "Good morning, everyone. 'The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today.' These powerful words from Franklin D. Roosevelt remind us that the biggest obstacles we face are often the ones we create ourselves. Today, I want to talk about overcoming self-doubt and reaching our full potential."

Example 2: Educational Speech

Quote: "'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.' - Nelson Mandela"

Speech Opening: "Hello, everyone. 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.' This insightful quote from Nelson Mandela perfectly captures the essence of why we are gathered here today. As we discuss the importance of education and its transformative power, let's remember that each of us holds the key to making a difference."

Example 3: Motivational Speech

Quote: "'Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.' - Winston Churchill"

Speech Opening: "Good afternoon. 'Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.' Winston Churchill's words resonate deeply with me, especially when facing challenges. Today, I want to explore the importance of perseverance and how courage can lead us to success."

Example 4: Business Speech

Quote: "'The best way to predict the future is to invent it.' - Alan Kay"

Speech Opening: "Hello, everyone. 'The best way to predict the future is to invent it.' Alan Kay's quote speaks volumes about the power of innovation and forward-thinking in business. As we delve into today's discussion on strategic planning and innovation, let's keep in mind that we have the power to shape our future."

Example 5: Speech About Change

Quote: "'Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.' - John F. Kennedy"

Speech Opening: "Good evening. 'Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.' John F. Kennedy's wisdom reminds us that embracing change is crucial for progress. Tonight, I want to talk about the inevitability of change and how we can navigate it to build a better tomorrow."

Practical Tips for Delivery

  • Pause After the Quote: After delivering the quote, pause briefly to let the words sink in.
  • Engage with the Audience: Make eye contact and speak with confidence to draw your audience in.
  • Be Genuine: Choose a quote that genuinely resonates with you, as your authenticity will shine through in your delivery.

Starting your speech with a meaningful quote can set a powerful tone for the rest of your presentation, helping to engage and inspire your audience from the very beginning.

How to start a speech in church

Starting a speech in a church requires a respectful and thoughtful approach, considering the setting and the audience's expectations. Here are some strategies and examples for beginning a speech in a church:

1. Open with a Prayer or Blessing

  • Example: "Good morning, everyone. Let's begin with a prayer. Heavenly Father, we gather here today in your presence to seek your guidance and wisdom. May our hearts be open to your message and our spirits be lifted by your love. Amen."

2. Use a Relevant Scripture

  • Example: "Good morning. As it says in Philippians 4:13, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' This verse reminds us of the incredible power and support we receive from our faith. Today, I want to talk about the strength we can find in our community and in God."

3. Share a Personal Story of Faith

  • Example: "Hello, everyone. I'd like to share a personal story. A few years ago, I faced a difficult time in my life, but through prayer and the support of this church community, I found the strength to persevere. This experience deepened my faith and reminded me of the power of collective prayer and support."

4. Express Gratitude

  • Example: "Good morning. I want to start by expressing my gratitude for this wonderful community. Your love and support have been a constant source of strength for me, and I am honored to speak with you today about how we can continue to grow together in faith."

5. Pose a Thought-Provoking Question

  • Example: "Hello, everyone. Have you ever wondered how we can live out our faith more fully in our daily lives? Today, I want to explore how we can integrate our beliefs into our actions and make a positive impact in the world."

Practical Tips for Delivery:

  • Speak with Reverence: Ensure your tone is respectful and appropriate for the setting.
  • Engage with the Congregation: Make eye contact and connect with your audience.
  • Be Genuine: Speak from the heart and share your authentic experiences and beliefs.
  • Practice: Rehearse your speech to ensure it flows smoothly and you feel confident.

Example Openings:

Example 1: Opening with a Prayer

"Good morning, everyone. Let's begin with a prayer. Dear Lord, we thank you for bringing us together in this sacred space. We ask for your guidance and wisdom as we gather to reflect on your word and its meaning in our lives. May our hearts be open, and our spirits be lifted. Amen."

Example 2: Using a Relevant Scripture

"Good morning. 'The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.' These words from Psalm 23 remind us of God's constant presence and guidance in our lives. Today, I want to talk about finding peace and trust in God's plan for us."

Example 3: Sharing a Personal Story of Faith

"Hello, everyone. I'd like to share a personal story that has shaped my faith. A few years ago, I went through a challenging period where I felt lost and alone. Through prayer and the support of this church, I found strength and hope. This experience taught me the importance of community and faith in overcoming life's obstacles."

Example 4: Expressing Gratitude

"Good morning. I want to start by expressing my heartfelt gratitude for this incredible community. Your unwavering support and love have been a beacon of light in my life. Today, I am honored to speak with you about the power of faith and how it can guide us through even the toughest times."

Example 5: Posing a Thought-Provoking Question

"Hello, everyone. Have you ever wondered what it truly means to live out our faith each day? Today, I want to explore this question and discuss how we can embody the teachings of Christ in our everyday actions, making a positive impact on those around us."

Starting your speech in church with these elements will help you connect with your audience, set a respectful tone, and convey your message effectively.

How to start a speech for students

Starting a speech for students requires capturing their attention right away, relating to their experiences, and setting an engaging tone. Here are some strategies and examples for beginning a speech aimed at students:

1. Start with a Relatable Anecdote

  • Example: "Good morning, everyone. When I was in your shoes, sitting in these very seats, I remember feeling both excited and nervous about the future. One particular day, I missed the school bus because I was too busy worrying about a math test. That day taught me a valuable lesson about managing time and stress—something I'm here to talk about today."

2. Pose an Engaging Question

  • Example: "Hi, everyone. How many of you have ever felt overwhelmed by homework and exams? I certainly have. Today, I want to share some tips on how to balance school work and personal life effectively."

3. Use a Powerful Quote

  • Example: "Good afternoon. 'The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.' This quote by Eleanor Roosevelt has always inspired me to pursue my passions, and today, I want to encourage you all to dream big and work hard to achieve your goals."

4. Start with a Surprising Fact or Statistic

  • Example: "Hello, everyone. Did you know that students who participate in extracurricular activities are more likely to succeed academically and socially? Today, I want to talk about the importance of getting involved in school activities and how it can benefit you."

5. Tell a Personal Success or Failure Story

  • Example: "Good morning. When I was in high school, I failed my first chemistry test. I felt discouraged and thought about giving up. But with perseverance and the help of my teacher, I managed to improve and eventually excel in the subject. Today, I want to share some strategies on how to turn failures into stepping stones for success."

Practical Tips for Delivery:

  • Confidence: Speak clearly and with enthusiasm to keep the students engaged.
  • Relatability: Use language and examples that resonate with the students’ experiences.
  • Energy: Maintain a positive and energetic tone to keep the audience interested.
  • Practice: Rehearse your speech to ensure smooth delivery and reduce nervousness.

Example Openings:

Example 1: Relatable Anecdote

"Good morning, everyone. When I was your age, I used to dread public speaking. In fact, I once pretended to be sick to avoid giving a presentation in front of my class. Today, I want to share how I overcame that fear and how you can conquer your own fears, whatever they may be."

Example 2: Engaging Question

"Hi, everyone. Have you ever wondered why some students seem to excel at everything they do? Is it talent, hard work, or something else? Today, I’m here to explore the secrets behind academic and personal success and how you can apply them to your own life."

Example 3: Powerful Quote

"Good afternoon. 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,' said Nelson Mandela. This quote reminds us of the incredible power we have as students. Today, let’s talk about how we can use our education to make a difference."

Example 4: Surprising Fact or Statistic

"Hello, everyone. Did you know that 80% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been invented yet? It’s a fascinating statistic that highlights the importance of being adaptable and continuously learning. Today, I want to discuss how you can prepare for a future that’s constantly changing."

Example 5: Personal Success or Failure Story

"Good morning. In my sophomore year, I bombed a major history exam. I was devastated and thought my academic career was over. But that failure taught me resilience and the importance of asking for help. Today, I want to share some lessons on how to bounce back from setbacks and achieve your goals."


"Good morning, everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I’m excited to be here with you today. When I was in high school, I remember feeling the pressure to succeed and the fear of failure. One vivid memory is when I stayed up all night studying for a biology test, only to fall asleep during the exam! That experience taught me a lot about the importance of balance and self-care. Today, I want to share some practical tips on how to manage stress, stay motivated, and achieve your best both in and out of the classroom."

Starting your speech with these elements will help you engage the students, make your message relevant, and set the tone for an impactful presentation.

How to start a speech for a wedding?

Starting a speech at a wedding is a special moment where you want to capture the attention of the audience and set a tone that is heartfelt, humorous, and appropriate for the occasion. Here are some strategies and examples for beginning a wedding speech:

1. Express Gratitude and Warmth

  • Example: "Good evening, everyone. As we gather here today to celebrate [Bride] and [Groom]'s love, I am filled with gratitude for being a part of this joyous occasion. To the newlyweds, thank you for inviting us to share in your happiness."

2. Share a Heartfelt Story or Memory

  • Example: "Hello, everyone. As [Bride]'s childhood friend, I have had the privilege of witnessing the beautiful journey that led to this day. From late-night giggles to heartfelt conversations, every moment has brought us closer together and made today even more special."

3. Inject Humor with a Light-hearted Anecdote

  • Example: "Good afternoon, everyone. They say marriage is like a deck of cards—it starts with two hearts and a diamond, but by the end, you’re looking for a club and a spade! But in all seriousness, witnessing the love between [Bride] and [Groom] has reminded me that true love is the best card you can hold in life."

4. Offer Words of Wisdom or Advice

  • Example: "Hi, everyone. As someone who has been married for [number] years, I've learned a thing or two about what makes a successful marriage. Communication, patience, and a good sense of humor are key ingredients. And based on what I've seen between [Bride] and [Groom], I have no doubt they have what it takes to build a lifetime of love and happiness together."

5. Use a Poignant Quote or Poem

  • Example: "Hello, everyone. 'Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.' These timeless words by Aristotle beautifully capture the essence of marriage—the union of two souls into one. Today, we celebrate the merging of [Bride] and [Groom]'s hearts and lives."

Practical Tips for Delivery:

  • Speak from the Heart: Share genuine emotions and sentiments.
  • Maintain Eye Contact: Engage with the couple and the audience.
  • Keep it Concise: Aim for a brief and focused opening to maintain the audience's attention.
  • Practice: Rehearse your speech to ensure a smooth and confident delivery.

Example Openings:

Example 1: Expressing Gratitude and Warmth

"Good evening, everyone. On behalf of [Bride] and [Groom], I want to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. Your presence here today is a testament to the love and support that surrounds this beautiful couple. Thank you for being a part of their special day."

Example 2: Sharing a Heartfelt Story or Memory

"Hello, everyone. As I stand here today, I am reminded of the countless memories I've shared with [Bride] over the years. From our adventures as teenagers to the laughter-filled moments of adulthood, she has been my confidante, my rock, and now, my radiant bride. Today, I feel incredibly blessed to witness her marry the love of her life, [Groom]."

Example 3: Injecting Humor with a Light-hearted Anecdote

"Good afternoon, everyone. They say that a good marriage is like a fine wine—it gets better with age, and it's best enjoyed with good company. Well, today, we're here to celebrate the beginning of [Bride] and [Groom]'s journey as wine connoisseurs! But jokes aside, I couldn't be happier to toast to their love and commitment."

Example 4: Offering Words of Wisdom or Advice

"Hi, everyone. As I look at [Bride] and [Groom] standing here before us, I'm reminded of the beautiful adventure that lies ahead of them. Marriage is not always smooth sailing, but with patience, understanding, and a whole lot of love, it can be the most rewarding journey of all. Here's to a lifetime of shared dreams and cherished memories."

Example 5: Using a Poignant Quote or Poem

"Hello, everyone. 'Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.' These profound words by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry perfectly capture the essence of marriage—the shared journey of growth, discovery, and mutual support. Today, we celebrate [Bride] and [Groom]'s commitment to walking hand in hand towards a future filled with love and adventure."


"Good evening, everyone. As we gather here today to celebrate the union of two souls, I am reminded of the power of love to bring people together from all walks of life. [Bride] and [Groom], your love story is nothing short of magical, and it is an honor to stand before you on this joyous occasion. From the moment I met [Bride], I knew she had found her perfect match in [Groom]. Their love radiates warmth and light, and today, as they embark on this new chapter together, I am filled with hope and happiness. Here's to love, laughter, and a lifetime of cherished memories. Cheers to the happy couple!"

How to start a speech about your mom

Starting a speech about your mom is a heartfelt opportunity to express your love, gratitude, and admiration for her. Here are some strategies and examples for beginning a speech about your mom:

1. Open with a Personal Anecdote or Memory

  • Example: "Good evening, everyone. When I think about my mom, I'm reminded of a moment from my childhood that perfectly captures her kindness and selflessness. It was a rainy day, and I had forgotten my umbrella at school. Without hesitation, my mom rushed to pick me up, drenched from head to toe. That's the kind of love and sacrifice she has always shown me, and today, I want to share with you all why she is my greatest inspiration."

2. Express Gratitude and Admiration

  • Example: "Hello, everyone. Today, I stand before you to honor a woman who means the world to me—my mom. Her unwavering love, strength, and guidance have shaped me into the person I am today. Mom, thank you for being my rock and my biggest cheerleader. I am endlessly grateful for everything you do."

3. Use a Poignant Quote or Poem

  • Example: "Good afternoon. 'A mother's love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.' These words by Marion C. Garretty perfectly encapsulate the boundless love and support that my mom has always shown me. Today, I want to celebrate her and all the incredible mothers who inspire us with their unconditional love."

4. Share a Funny or Touching Story

  • Example: "Hi, everyone. Growing up, my mom had a knack for turning even the most mundane moments into cherished memories. From her infamous cooking disasters to her hilarious dance moves, she always knew how to make us laugh. Today, I want to share some of those funny and heartwarming moments that have made my mom so special to me."

5. Highlight Her Positive Traits and Impact

  • Example: "Good evening, everyone. My mom is the epitome of strength, grace, and resilience. She has faced countless challenges with unwavering courage and determination, and her unwavering optimism has been a guiding light in my life. Today, I want to celebrate her remarkable spirit and the profound impact she has had on me and everyone around her."

Practical Tips for Delivery:

  • Speak from the Heart: Share genuine emotions and sentiments.
  • Maintain Eye Contact: Engage with the audience to convey sincerity.
  • Keep it Personal: Share specific anecdotes or qualities that make your mom special to you.
  • Express Appreciation: Take the opportunity to express your gratitude and love for your mom.

Example Openings:

Example 1: Personal Anecdote or Memory

"Good evening, everyone. When I was a child, my mom used to wake up before dawn to prepare breakfast for our family. I still remember the warmth of her embrace as she hugged me goodbye before heading off to work. Today, as I stand before you, I am filled with gratitude for the countless sacrifices my mom has made for our family."

Example 2: Expressing Gratitude and Admiration

"Hello, everyone. Today, I want to take a moment to honor the woman who has been my guiding light, my confidante, and my biggest supporter—my mom. Her love knows no bounds, and her strength inspires me every day. Mom, thank you for being my rock and my constant source of strength. I am blessed to have you in my life."

Example 3: Using a Poignant Quote or Poem

"Good afternoon. 'Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.' These timeless words by Robert Browning perfectly capture the essence of my mom's love. Her unwavering devotion and selflessness have been a constant source of comfort and inspiration in my life. Today, I want to celebrate her and all the incredible mothers who shape our world with their love."

Example 4: Sharing a Funny or Touching Story

"Hi, everyone. One of my favorite memories with my mom is when we attempted to bake a cake together for my dad's birthday. Let's just say it ended up looking more like a science experiment gone wrong! But despite the mess, we laughed until our stomachs hurt, and that's a moment I'll cherish forever. Today, I want to celebrate the joy and laughter that my mom brings into our lives."

Example 5: Highlighting Her Positive Traits and Impact

"Good evening, everyone. My mom is the embodiment of love, strength, and resilience. She has overcome countless obstacles with grace and courage, and her unwavering optimism has taught me the power of resilience in the face of adversity. Today, I want to celebrate her indomitable spirit and the profound impact she has had on me and everyone around her."


"Good evening, everyone. As I stand before you today, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the woman who has shaped me into the person I am today—my mom. From the moment I entered this world, she has been my constant source of love, support, and guidance. Whether it was cheering me on from the sidelines of the soccer field or staying up late to help me with my homework, she has always been there for me, unwavering in her love and devotion. Mom, your strength, your resilience, and your unwavering faith inspire me every day. Thank you for being my rock, my role model, and my best friend. I am endlessly grateful for everything you do. I love you more than words can express."

How to start a speech birthday

Starting a birthday speech is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the individual and express warm wishes. Here are some strategies and examples for beginning a birthday speech:

1. Acknowledge the Celebration

  • Example: "Good evening, everyone. Today, we gather to celebrate a very special occasion—the birthday of someone near and dear to our hearts."

2. Express Warm Wishes and Congratulations

  • Example: "Hello, everyone. On this joyous day, I want to extend my warmest wishes and congratulations to [Name] as we celebrate another year of their wonderful life."

3. Share a Heartfelt Memory or Anecdote

  • Example: "Hi, everyone. As we gather to celebrate [Name]'s birthday, I can't help but reflect on the many cherished memories we've shared together. Allow me to share one that brings a smile to my face..."

4. Inject Humor with a Light-hearted Joke or Story

  • Example: "Good afternoon, everyone. They say age is just a number, but I couldn't help but notice that the candles on [Name]'s cake seem to be multiplying exponentially! But jokes aside, today is a day to celebrate the incredible person [Name] is and the joy they bring into our lives."

5. Use a Poignant Quote or Poem

  • Example: "Hello, everyone. 'A birthday is a time to reflect on the memories of yesterday, the joys of today, and the dreams of tomorrow.' These words by unknown beautifully capture the essence of this special day as we celebrate [Name]'s journey through life."

Practical Tips for Delivery:

  • Speak with Warmth: Convey genuine warmth and affection in your tone.
  • Keep it Personal: Share anecdotes or qualities that make the birthday person special.
  • Engage the Audience: Make eye contact and involve the audience in your speech.
  • End on a Positive Note: Leave the audience feeling uplifted and inspired.

Example Openings:

Example 1: Acknowledging the Celebration

"Good evening, everyone. Today, we gather to celebrate a milestone in the life of someone very dear to us. [Name] has touched the lives of so many, and it's only fitting that we come together to honor and celebrate the wonderful person they are."

Example 2: Expressing Warm Wishes and Congratulations

"Hello, everyone. As we gather here today, I want to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes and heartfelt congratulations to [Name] on their birthday. Another year older, another year wiser, and another year of cherished memories to look back on."

Example 3: Sharing a Heartfelt Memory or Anecdote

"Hi, everyone. As we celebrate [Name]'s birthday today, I'm reminded of the countless memories we've shared together. Allow me to share one that truly captures the essence of who [Name] is..."

Example 4: Injecting Humor with a Light-hearted Joke or Story

"Good afternoon, everyone. They say you're only as old as you feel, but judging by the number of candles on [Name]'s cake, they must be feeling ancient! But in all seriousness, today is a day to celebrate the incredible person [Name] is and the joy they bring into our lives."

Example 5: Using a Poignant Quote or Poem

"Hello, everyone. 'The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.' These wise words by Oprah Winfrey ring true as we gather to celebrate another year of [Name]'s life. Let's take a moment to reflect on the blessings of the past year and the excitement of the year ahead."


"Good evening, everyone. Today, we come together to celebrate the birthday of someone who holds a special place in all our hearts—[Name]. As we gather here surrounded by loved ones, I can't help but reflect on the joy and laughter [Name] has brought into our lives. From their infectious smile to their kind and compassionate heart, [Name] has a way of making everyone feel loved and appreciated. So let's raise our glasses and toast to [Name]—may this birthday be filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories that last a lifetime. Happy birthday, [Name]!"

How to start a speech by saying good morning

Starting a speech by saying "good morning" is a common and friendly way to greet your audience and set a positive tone for your presentation. Here are some strategies and examples for beginning a speech with "good morning":

1. Straightforward Greeting

  • Example: "Good morning, everyone. I hope you're all doing well today."

2. Engage the Audience

  • Example: "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Let's start this day with enthusiasm and energy. How is everyone feeling this morning?"

3. Acknowledge the Occasion

  • Example: "Good morning, esteemed guests and colleagues. On this beautiful morning, I am delighted to have the opportunity to address you all."

4. Express Excitement or Gratitude

  • Example: "Good morning, everyone! It's a pleasure to be here with you today. Thank you for joining us bright and early."

5. Pose a Thought-Provoking Question

  • Example: "Good morning, friends. Have you ever stopped to think about the power of a new day and the opportunities it brings? Let's explore that together."

Practical Tips for Delivery:

  • Smile: Show your enthusiasm and positivity through your facial expression.
  • Use a Clear Voice: Ensure your voice is clear and audible to the entire audience.
  • Make Eye Contact: Engage with the audience members to establish a connection.
  • Set the Tone: Adapt your tone to the occasion and the mood you want to convey.

Example Openings:

Example 1: Straightforward Greeting

"Good morning, everyone. I hope you're all having a great start to your day."

Example 2: Engage the Audience

"Good morning, friends and colleagues. Let's kick off this morning with some energy! How's everyone feeling today?"

Example 3: Acknowledge the Occasion

"Good morning, distinguished guests. It's a beautiful morning, and I'm thrilled to be here with you all."

Example 4: Express Excitement or Gratitude

"Good morning, everyone! It's such a pleasure to see all of your smiling faces bright and early. Thank you for being here with us today."

Example 5: Pose a Thought-Provoking Question

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Have you ever stopped to appreciate the beauty of a new day and the endless possibilities it holds? Let's take a moment to reflect on that as we begin our day together."


"Good morning, everyone. As the sun rises and a new day dawns, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to address you all. Today, we embark on a journey of learning, collaboration, and growth. So let's start this day with positivity and enthusiasm as we dive into the exciting discussions ahead. Good morning!"

how to start a speech about someone else

Starting a speech about someone else is an opportunity to honor and celebrate that person's achievements, qualities, or impact on your life or the community. Here are some strategies and examples for beginning a speech about someone else:

1. Express Gratitude and Acknowledgment

  • Example: "Good morning, everyone. Today, I have the privilege of speaking about someone who has made a profound impact on my life and the lives of many others. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share their story with you all."

2. Share a Personal Connection or Relationship

  • Example: "Hello, friends and colleagues. As [Name]'s [friend/family member/colleague], I have had the privilege of witnessing their remarkable journey firsthand. Today, I am honored to share some insights into the extraordinary individual they are."

3. Highlight the Person's Achievements or Contributions

  • Example: "Hi, everyone. We are gathered here today to celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of [Name]. From their groundbreaking research to their tireless advocacy work, [Name] has made a lasting impact on our community and beyond."

4. Share a Relevant Anecdote or Story

  • Example: "Good afternoon, esteemed guests. Allow me to take you on a journey through the life of [Name]. I'll never forget the time when [Name] [share a memorable moment or experience]. It's moments like these that truly capture the essence of who [Name] is."

5. Express Admiration or Inspiration

  • Example: "Hello, everyone. I stand before you today in awe of [Name]'s resilience, compassion, and unwavering dedication to [cause/field/passion]. Their unwavering commitment serves as an inspiration to us all."

Practical Tips for Delivery:

  • Speak with Sincerity: Convey genuine emotions and sentiments.
  • Maintain Respect: Choose your words carefully and ensure your speech is appropriate for the occasion.
  • Be Authentic: Share personal anecdotes or insights that reflect your relationship with the person.
  • Stay Focused: Keep the speech concise and focused on the person you're honoring.

Example Openings:

Example 1: Express Gratitude and Acknowledgment

"Good morning, everyone. Today, I have the honor of speaking about someone whose presence has had a profound impact on my life and the lives of many others. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share their story with you all."

Example 2: Share a Personal Connection or Relationship

"Hi, everyone. As [Name]'s [friend/family member/colleague], I have had the privilege of witnessing their remarkable journey firsthand. Today, I am honored to share some insights into the extraordinary individual they are."

Example 3: Highlight the Person's Achievements or Contributions

"Good afternoon, esteemed guests. We are gathered here today to celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of [Name]. From their groundbreaking research to their tireless advocacy work, [Name] has made a lasting impact on our community and beyond."

Example 4: Share a Relevant Anecdote or Story

"Hello, friends and colleagues. Let me take you on a journey through the life of [Name]. I'll never forget the time when [Name] [share a memorable moment or experience]. It's moments like these that truly capture the essence of who [Name] is."

Example 5: Express Admiration or Inspiration

"Good evening, everyone. Today, I stand before you in awe of [Name]'s resilience, compassion, and unwavering dedication to [cause/field/passion]. Their unwavering commitment serves as an inspiration to us all."


"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It is with great honor and admiration that I stand before you today to speak about [Name]. As [Name]'s [friend/family member/colleague], I have had the privilege of witnessing their remarkable journey unfold. From [highlight one of their achievements or qualities], [Name] has left an indelible mark on the lives of everyone they encounter. Today, I am deeply honored to share some insights into the extraordinary individual that [Name] is. So please join me as we celebrate the remarkable life and legacy of [Name]."

How to start a presentation speech

Starting a presentation speech effectively is crucial for capturing your audience's attention and setting the tone for your presentation. Here are some strategies and examples for beginning a presentation speech:

1. State the Purpose or Objective

  • Example: "Good morning, everyone. Today, I'm excited to talk to you about [topic] and how it impacts our [industry/organization/lives]. By the end of this presentation, you'll have a deeper understanding of [key points/objectives]."

2. Pose a Thought-Provoking Question

  • Example: "Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Have you ever wondered why [topic] is so important in today's fast-paced world? Today, we'll explore the answer to that question and uncover some key insights that may surprise you."

3. Use a Relevant Quote or Statistic

  • Example: "Hi, everyone. Albert Einstein once said, 'In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.' This quote perfectly encapsulates the theme of our presentation today, as we navigate through the challenges and opportunities of [topic]."

4. Share an Engaging Anecdote or Story

  • Example: "Good afternoon, esteemed colleagues. Let me take you back to a moment in history when [relevant event/story]. This story not only highlights the importance of our topic but also serves as a powerful reminder of [key message]."

5. Create a Visual or Interactive Opening

  • Example: "Hello, everyone. Before we dive into the details of our presentation, I'd like you all to take a moment and imagine [scenario/situation]. Now, picture how [topic] could impact that scenario. Intrigued? Let's explore further."

Practical Tips for Delivery:

  • Be Confident: Speak with clarity and conviction to convey authority.
  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your opening to resonate with the interests and concerns of your audience.
  • Keep it Concise: Aim for a brief introduction to maintain audience interest and focus.
  • Practice: Rehearse your opening to ensure smooth delivery and confidence.

Example Openings:

Example 1: State the Purpose or Objective

"Good morning, everyone. Today, I'm thrilled to share with you our latest findings on [topic] and discuss how they can revolutionize our approach to [industry/field]. By the end of this presentation, you'll have a clear understanding of the potential impact and actionable steps we can take moving forward."

Example 2: Pose a Thought-Provoking Question

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Have you ever stopped to think about how [topic] shapes our daily lives, from the products we use to the decisions we make? Today, we'll explore the fascinating world of [topic] and uncover some surprising insights that may challenge your perceptions."

Example 3: Use a Relevant Quote or Statistic

"Hi, everyone. 'Data is the new oil of the digital economy.' This statement by Clive Humby perfectly captures the significance of our topic today—data analytics. As we delve into the world of data-driven decision-making, we'll explore how harnessing the power of data can drive innovation and growth."

Example 4: Share an Engaging Anecdote or Story

"Good afternoon, esteemed colleagues. Let me transport you back to a pivotal moment in history—the invention of [relevant technology/product]. This story not only highlights the ingenuity of human creativity but also underscores the transformative power of innovation, a theme we'll explore further in today's presentation."

Example 5: Create a Visual or Interactive Opening

"Hello, everyone. Close your eyes for a moment and envision a world where [scenario/situation]. Now, imagine how [topic] could revolutionize that world. Intrigued? Today, we'll embark on a journey to explore the transformative potential of [topic] and its implications for our future."


"Good morning, everyone. Imagine for a moment that you're standing on the brink of a technological revolution—one that has the power to transform industries, reshape economies, and redefine human existence. Today, I'm excited to share with you our vision for this revolution and how [company/organization] is leading the charge in innovation and progress. By the end of this presentation, you'll have a deeper understanding of our mission, our values, and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. So let's dive in and explore the possibilities together."


In conclusion, starting a speech effectively is essential for captivating your audience's attention from the outset. By employing engaging strategies such as posing thought-provoking questions, sharing relevant anecdotes, or using powerful quotes, you can create an immediate connection with your listeners and set the tone for your presentation. Remember to tailor your opening to the specific context and audience, keeping it concise and relevant to the topic at hand. 

A well-crafted opening not only grabs attention but also establishes your credibility and builds anticipation for what's to come. So whether you're delivering a presentation in a professional setting, at a social event, or in an academic environment, investing time and effort into crafting an impactful opening will ensure that your message resonates with your audience and leaves a lasting impression.



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LEGIT GYAN: How To Start A Speech: Tips, Strategies & Examples
How To Start A Speech: Tips, Strategies & Examples
How To Start A Speech: Starting a speech is crucial; it sets the tone and captures the audience's attention from the get-go. To kick off effectively,
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